Thursday, December 4, 2014

my image of God | 11-4-14

(bleeding woman, touching the hem of Christ's robe, from the catacombs)
time period: early Christian Art, before Constantine

1. This image is based off of the Matthew 9 passage where a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years reaches out to touch the hem of Jesus' robe, believing that that is enough to heal her. This image is depicted in the Catacombs of Rome. Historically, this image is significant because it showed Jesus as a healer and a miracle worker. This was incredibly radical to be associated with religion. Showing Jesus in this light portrayed the Christian faith as being more reliable than what the other pagan religions of the time had to offer. This image is very beautiful in its neutral colors and simple composition. Though the neutrality of the colors is likely due to the fading from time, it still makes for a very beautiful and simple color palette. It is very realistic looking, while still being not completely portrait like. I love how the artist depicted both the woman's and Jesus' body languages. They are natural and feel very real, creating a beautiful line between the woman and Jesus which I think well reflects what their relationship would have been like in this very special moment. The woman is in humble submission to Jesus, yet the artist drew Jesus' hand right near her face, almost as though He might gently lay his hand on her face as He beckons her to stand up next to Him. What an incredible depiction of the way a woman can have relationship with Jesus-with God, the creator of all things, our Maker.

2. This image works for me as an image for God because it shows Jesus as so approachable and real, something that a lot of artwork portraying God does not do. Many of the images we see of Jesus are either incredibly cheesy, or they are incredibly regal and so angelic like that it is hard to view Him as a human. I love that in this image, Jesus is standing very confidently yet He still looks like a human. His body curves naturally as a human's would and His hand reaching out to the woman is natural, warm and inviting. I chose this image because it is a reminder to me that Jesus is my healer. It reminds me that He is so kind and loving while also being incredibly powerful. He can handle all of my diseases, whether that be physical, emotional, or spiritual. It reminds me that all I have to do is reach out to Jesus because He is always there, just waiting for me to reach out to Him. I have to be reminded of this daily, because it is so easy to forget God in this way-that the God of the Universe loves me and wants me to reach out to Him. He loves me and is beckoning me to step out in faith and He will show me incredible things that He has to offer.

3. I chose this photo as my contemporary image of God because it challenges me to think of God in a way that I often neglect. This newborn photography is a beautiful portrayal of the relationship between a parent and child. This photo is formative in helping me realize how God views me-as His precious daughter who He loves so much. Newborn photography is very popular today, especially nontraditional portraits like this. Many of my family friends who have recently had children have had newborn photoshoots done in their homes with natural light and set in their bedrooms or the infants' nurseries. I think this is because such photographs show the amazing simplicity found in the love between a parent and child. The moments that parents remember and cherish most with their infants I believe are moments like this-when they are nuzzles into their chests, laying in their arms. So helpless and little, and requiring all of their parents' love and strength. This is how God views us- He loves us so much and wants to be our strength, and for His love for us to fill us up. How often we forget this image of God as our powerful and strong Father, and we instead think that we are the ones in charge, the strong ones. We are so weak without Him, and so foolish to try to figure things out on our own. I am also reminded of Luke 12:7 as I look at this photo. "Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows." The delicacy of this photo reminds me of how God is so much bigger and stronger and wiser than me, and because of that I can completely rest in His arms, lean into His strength, be filled up with His love, and find comfort in Him as my perfect Heavenly Father.

4. My image of God that I photographed for class is both similar and different from these two other images. When I think of God, I think of a firm foundation to lean on and my source of strength. He is the tree of life, and His roots go down deep into my heart, becoming the source of all that I am. I have seen this proven true in my life throughout the years of growing closer to God. It is a slow process but it is undoubtedly occurring-as I grow in my faith, lean into God and walk through life with Him, my roots are going down deep in Him. I remember when God and religion used to only be a part of my life. I remember recognizing that and praying that He would become my whole life. And He has answered that prayer-Jesus is my entire life now, and I am unable to separate Him from other parts of my life. He is my foundation, my source of life and love, and He penetrates all that I do and every fiber of my being. I think my image shows that, as well as showing the beauty of God through His creation. This sense of strength found in God relates to the newborn photo, of leaning into God. The look in the girls eyes shows a reassurance and trust that He is stable. My image relates to the image of the bleeding woman as it shows a sense of familiarity, as the girl is comfortable leaning on the tree. He is marvelous and majestic, yet the tree is not unapproachable. Rather it is friendly, warm and welcoming to her, inviting her to find shelter in the shadow of it's branches and leaves-in the shadow of His wings. One thing I like about my photo is the brilliancy of color that the other images don't have. I think this vibrancy is reflective of God's passionate love that He has for us. I constantly need that reminder. He is not boring or stagnant. He is fiery, passionate, jealous for us, and His love is unbelievably relentless in pursuing us.

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